Pressure Seal globe Valve works best in high pressure and high temperature applications. Pressure seal globe valves are good for some liquids, but not for others. Although they haven’t been around long,-pressure seal globe valve has become very popular in a variety of industries, including nuclear steam generating stations, industrial/chemical plants, and thermal power plants. Pressure seal globe valves are designed to avoid leakage, are easy to maintain, and easier installation. They also have weight saving mechanisms built in.
Pressure seal globe valve feature
The Fully Guided Discs offer a superior seal no matter what the pressure range is.
The top layer of the disc and seat is extremely hard and durable, meaning it will last longer and keep together better.
Graphite Bonnet Gasket
a best bonnet in order to improve sealing characteristics.
for safety reasons and to meet all industry standards, all valves are packed with high temperature stems.